Virtual Tour inside Stonehenge
When visiting Stonehenge there’s nothing like entering the inner circle to take in and really appreciate its majesty. Unfortunately spaces to the inner circle are severely restricted in number and in some months, such as October and November, are not available at all.
Special access inside Stonehenge takes place early in the morning or late in the evening after it has closed to the public. If you are staying in London this means either a very early start or a very late finish to the day, but well worth it. There is no audio tour available for inside Stonehenge, but you can download the official and free Stonehenge Audio Tour at the Google Play or on iTunes sites. This is aimed at the normal public access from behind the ropes so is only useful as an overview. Inside the stones there are so many other things to see – the mechanical jointing; the carved axe-heads and dagger; how blue the bluestones really can be that are not described on the audio tour.
Panoramic tour of Stonehenge.
There is a great panoramic tour inside the stones created by Howard Goldbaum whose website Voices of the Dawn mainly concentrates on the Folklore of Ireland’s Ancient Monuments. Back in 2010 he spent many sessions taking thousands of photographs inside Stonehenge, when it was closed to the public, which have been ‘stitched’ together to unique set of views of the inner circle. All similar ones we have seen are taken from just one spot, but what makes this unique is that you can take a panoramic view from several different places inside Stonehenge – just choose your viewpoint on the plan in the bottom left hand corner and away you go. We don’t pretend that this is the same as actually being inside, but for those of you who have been on our tour it may evoke some happy memories of your visit. For those thinking of visiting this is a neat taste of what you will see. What it doesn’t show (and that’s not a criticism) is the details of the axe-heads, jointing etc which is only apparent when it’s pointed out or you have done some serious research on Stonehenge. For thosee who have been on one of our tours you'll know exactly where to look!
If this has whetted your appetite and you want to go inside Stonehenge and learn more about the other monuments in the surrounding landscape which help explain why the stones are where they are, then have a look at our tours on the Stonehenge Special Access page. You can also check out our Trip Advisor listing to see what other guests think of our tours before deciding whether to come. You won’t be disappointed!
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